An unapologetic plant geek shares advice and opinions on gardening, the contrived and the natural landscape, as well as occasional topics from the other side of the gate.

November 23, 2012

My Black (silver, green and amber) Friday

Muhlenbergia capillaris

Agapanthus 'Ellamae'

Come Through



Great Blue

I know I can't be the only one who finds the whole business of Black Friday yet another symptom that this society's priorities are out of balance - or maybe I'm just getting more curmudgeonly in my middle age. 


  1. Love the grass, pine tree, heron picture. The grass does not look like a miscanthus. Do you know what it is?

  2. Mom and I were reminiscing last night (over the phone since I didn't “go home” for Thanksgiving) about when we used to go shopping the day after, before it was called Black Friday. It was just a day of fun, the stores opened at normal times, or maybe a few at 8am, but we were never there before 10. It was a day to buy wrap, ribbon and cards, maybe a gift or two if you saw something special. Lunch was long and lots of planning for the holidays took place. Fun times, nothing crazy about it.

    Today I visited a couple of nurseries and antique stores, no crowds and a festive atmosphere with employees that enjoyed a holiday at home and got a good night’s sleep, perfect.

  3. Just turn your back on it and pretend you don't see it. I myself welcome a good deal any day of the year, but I won't fight crowds.

  4. Les,
    I agree about black Friday, what a crock.. I was ready to picket with the Wal-Mart employees except they did not picket here. Shameful Wal-Mart pays them so little and treats them so bad.

  5. I agree with you about Black Friday. Actually, I hate shopping generally, and the idea of shopping on a day of shopping frenzy fills me with dread. It was cold and windy here, we made a fire and enjoyed the kids' company, played cards, etc.

    By the way, great pictures. Love the one with the heron (?) in the tree.

  6. You're not a curmudgeon, Les.

    This damn "Black Friday" stuff is invading Canada too as if shopping was some kind of noble pass-time.

    Your images show what really matters in this life ...

  7. No, you are not the only one! I am right there with you. What a shame that so many people feel compelled to grab those bargains! By the way, thank-you for sharing your photos, they are exquisite... They provide me with peace and calm on a regular basis and help recharge my spirit when I can't get away from the city.

  8. What if they held Black Friday and no shoppers bothered to show up?

    Have signed many petitions for WalMart workers. WalMart was open ALL DAY Thanksgiving here in my little town ... 24 hrs a day b4 and after. No time off for employees, and they don't get to choose. Show up for when ur assigned or get fired.

    Ugly people, the Walton heirs.

  9. Great series Les, I love the way you played with the rays of sunlight. Especially the one with the spinning threads on the second photo of the series. Great way to escape black Friday, the mass hysteria.

  10. Is our culture unsustainable without Black Friday?

  11. Amazing pictures again Les. Is the one entitled "Sentries" taken at NBG? We're packing the car and heading to NBG to see the lights tonight!
    As for Black Friday...I love to shop but never go out on that day anymore because of all the hype and the crowds.

  12. Yes, I'm another member of the anti-Black Friday tribe, not entirely on principle but just because I hate, hate that kind of shopping. And somewhat on principle too, I suppose. But I love, love your photos. That shot with the tuteurs looks like an estate garden in England, but I'm assuming this is where you work now!?

  13. Yours is the better way to spend Black Friday, hands down.

  14. Beautiful images. I had to look the term "Black Friday" up! What a ghastly phenomenon. Having moved to a small and generally quite poor island with few shops I am rather relishing the feeling of being out of the way of full-blown consumerism, it is rather liberating to live.

  15. I hate shopping but if I am going to buy something I do like a good deal. I would never venture out on Black Friday though, the whole concept is crazy. The photos are wonderful especially the great blue heron in the tree.

  16. So you really wouldn't rather be fighting for a parking spot at Wal-Mart? No? Good for you!

    Gorgeous photos, as usual. You live in such a beautiful area.

  17. Stellar photos, Les! I'm with you, no way in H E double hockey sticks will you find me in that crazy crowd. And I love a good deal too...

  18. I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of BF either...although when I was younger, it was a family tradition to go to the nearest "big town" and do some Christmas shopping...but it was more about doing something together...especially getting lunch and talking, having fun...trying to sneakily get someone a present when they weren't looking! Oh well...things DO change, don't they.

  19. I don't pay much attention to the whole Black Friday thing. Sort of like sports, parades and fireworks, watching or thinking about things like that takes away from the real holiday activity which is eating until one can't move and then napping on a recliner:o)

    Your pictures are gorgeous!

  20. Thanks everyone for taking the time to such kind comments. I hope you did not have to interrupt any on-line shopping to do so. You will be pleased to know we did patronize a locally owned business on Saturday - a pawn shop in Ocean View.


  21. Gorgeous photos, that last one especially.

    On Black Friday I took a walk in Central Park, saw live theater and met old friends for dinner. When I shop, I try to do it locally. I'm lucky to call LL Bean local!

  22. Your pics are gorgeous Les. I agree with you about Black Friday. Looks like you did the right thing by taking photos instead. Seeing your herons (great blues I assume?) reminds me of the one I saw today on my lunchtime walk. I surprised it (and he, me) so he flew off "krauking." First time I ever heard that!

  23. I love these serene scenes. Tried to comment a couple days ago, Les but sometimes those Captcha phrases are just impossible to decipher. I went through four. LOL
