April 7, 2018

Palm Sunday

     On a recent trip to Virginia's Eastern Shore to enjoy time with my family, I took an early morning walk along the edge of Metompkin Bay. Longtime blog followers will know that I have been here many times before, but it is always beautiful to me, especially at sunrise. Although both dogs joined me, it was Penny's first extended walk since arriving. Due to her tendencies towards hound dog obstinance and bolting, she had to remain leashed, while the more trustworthy Isabel could run unencumbered. Even restricted, Penny overdid it. Once back in Norfolk she could barely walk, her remaining back leg now temporarily unable to do the work of two. I had to carry her up and down the steps for a few days. She is fine now, but my guilt remains for taking her too far.
Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (6)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (1)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (3)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (26)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (15)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (16)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (20)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (12)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (22)

Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (24)

     While I was on my walk, a rocket was launched from nearby Wallops Island, but all I could catch was the aftermath. Despite what the crazy looking trails might lead you to believe, I understand it was successful. On board were experiments from 4 different universities.
Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (9)

     A light frost covered much of the landscape, and though the calendar said spring, there was only one sign it had begun here. At the base of dormant Phragmites, a clump of long forgotten Narcissus bloomed, outliving the gardener who brought them to this place.
Palm Sunday Metompkin Bay (8)


  1. It always amazes me how a place constantly changes and how the early light makes everything more special.

    1. One of the benefits of being an early riser is catching views like this.

  2. Gorgeous photos, as always. I'm sure Penny loves you more than ever. If I was short a leg, I certainly wouldn't want to be deprived of fun.

    1. Thank you, Marian. I know Penny would do all over again without regret.

  3. Stunning, Les. And a beautiful time to be there. I'm glad Penny is feeling better after your shared adventures. :)

  4. A spectacular sunrise. Your photos are always a joy and, as usual, I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite. All of us over do it sometimes; I'm sure Penny do not regret the experience despite the eventual discomfort; by now a distant memory. She is a lucky dog!

  5. Really beautiful post. It ends like a poem.
