An unapologetic plant geek shares advice and opinions on gardening, the contrived and the natural landscape, as well as occasional topics from the other side of the gate.

February 4, 2010

Wild Things

After my trip to the Kaplan Orchid Conservatory, I walked to the nearby Baron and Ellin Gordon Art Galleries, which is also part of Old Dominion University. The gallery has room for several exhibits, including the permanent home for the Gordon's collection of what was once referred to as primitive or outsider art, but is now called self-taught art. My taste is all over the map, but this is one genre I have always enjoyed. These artists are compelled to create because there is something in their heads that needs to come out. No one has taught them the "right" way to paint, what a "proper" sculpture is, or what acceptable mediums are. There are several hundred pieces in the collection, but only a small number are shown at any one time. The title of the current exhibit is Wild Things and it will be up until April when it will be replaced with the more religiously themed The Book of Daniel. I will be back for that one as well, since it will have several pieces created by my favorite outsider, the Reverend Howard Finster.

Fox, Minnie Adkins

Fox, Minnie Adkins

Teapot, Tom Phelps

Teapot, Tom Phelps

Brush Man-Holding Brushes, Gregory Warmack (Mr. Imagination)

Brush Man-Holding Brushes, Gregory Warmack (Mr. Imagination)

Gold Tooth Man, Sulton Rogers

Gold Tooth Man, Sulton Rogers

Big and Small Monsters, Oscar L. Spencer

Big and Small Monsters, Oscar L. Spencer

Dog-Faced Man, Sulton Rogers

Dog-Faced Man, Sulton Rogers

Snake, Leroy Archuleta (made from bottle caps)

Snake, Leroy Archuleta

Bear, Minnie Atkins

Bear, Minnie Atkins

The gallery is located in the newest part of the ODU campus which is a very pedestrian friendly mix of university buildings, restaurants, a large bookstore and student housing all adjacent to the Ted Constant Center. It has been pretty successful in connecting the campus to the the larger community and is all very sparkling and clean. When I attended ODU I lived in this area, but back then it was a rundown student slum of apartments and old houses that all carried that funky smell of stale beer - and was home to many a wild thing.



  1. I appreciate you going off topic. While I know some of the 'things to see' on your side of the tunnel, it is not a given. I like primitive art.
    So, are we due for more? Northern VA has closed schools for tomorrow already. I could do without.

  2. Now I definitely have to go down there.

  3. Love the Big and Small Monsters. I think it looks like how I feel these days!!!! :)

  4. Wonderful! I love the first and last pieces especially. Well documented Les! ;>)

  5. My kind of art!!! I definitely need to head east to visit.

  6. They are all wonderful, Les. Thanks for showing them. I especially love the teapot. A good way to get through this awful weather. Spring, come quickly!

  7. What a treat to see all of these wonderful art pieces! I think "Brush Man" has my vote for creativity, but the fox and bear carvings are really stunning. They remind me a bit of the fetishes carved (from stone) by the native peoples of the southwestern US. Thanks for the tour, Les!

  8. Very cool art, indeed. I love the style, it is appealing to my eye, and's like I 'understand' it! Guess I'd right in with those Wild Things.

    About the snow...good heavens, we have surely had an interesting winter! You have, for sure, because you are even less likely to get it down there. Since my daughter goes to school down there I've heard all about it...and, from Janet.

    I have friends in Maine (where I went to HS) and they are jealous of our weather. Most of them are skiers and can't get enough snow. The funny thing is, we are actually going to Maine next week to go skiing! Too bad we can't take a truckload of some of this stuff with us!!

  9. Janet,
    I could do without as well. At this time of year my company's business is entirely at the mercy of the weather. Needless to say, we have been SLOW.

    Wait till the snow plows are done.

    I hope by that you mean you're ready to take on the world, teeth and armored plating at the ready.

    I like those pieces as well. The photos don't convey who big they are. Both are close to 4' long and stand about 2.5',

    Thanks for visitin, you are welcome to return at any time.

    Yes, we need to take our pleasures inside right now.

    Brush Man's creator also had a self portrait in the collection with a crown of bottle caps. You can see it in the Flickr set.

    I wish you layers of deep fluffy powder when you go skiing.


  10. I love the snake made from bottle caps. So cool!~~Dee

  11. Les, Thanks for inviting me over~~this is a perfect example of outsider art that I find fun to see and collect (if I can afford it!) I hope your weekend was good~gail

  12. So nice when you can take pictures in museums. Most are so ridiculously fussy about that.

  13. Brush man is too cool. A way to recycle old paint brushes for us amateurs...

  14. Very intriguing art. I liked it very much...especially the paintbrush man. Cool stuff.

  15. We love that kind of art so will have to add it to the life list. I was especially taken with the bear. We had an outsider artist do a portrait of our house which we wrote about here:

  16. Thanks for the art tour – I loved the fox and bear especially! I hope you are managing with all the snow. Can you believe that I'm envious of it?

  17. That tea pot is so crazy... love it!!!!

  18. Dee,
    The snake was one of my favorites as well. The camera did not do a good job of showing how bright the colors were.

    My weekend was snowy and cold, but we made the most of it.

    Chuck B.,
    I can sort of understand when they say no. There are people out there who would try to profit from someone else's image. I went to a gallery yesterday was told when I walked not to take pictures.

    Brush Man is cool, the artist also had a self portrait in the collection - with lots of bottle caps on his head.

    It was fun. I will try to take pictures of the next exhibit.

    Thanks for the link, as soon as I finish typing this I will read it.

    Although we have had frequent snows, including again this morning. They are melting fast and we have been spared what the rest of the state has gotten.

    I agree!

    Dirty Girl,
    There were some mugs and a great big jug that went with these. The jug had devil horns.

