The little conspiracies of life (family, occupation, weather, etc...) kept me from posting on Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, but tardy or not, I decided to post . The
Queen of Garden Blogger's Bloom Day has shown her benevolence in the past for people who bend the rules, and I hope she will be kind this time. I thank her in advance.
I took these photos today during a break from the rain; it was NOT a rain from tropical storms, hurricanes or nor'easters. It was just good old fashioned, run of the mill rain, and it was most welcome.
Lets start with two fall classics, Toad Lily and...

Salvia leucantha.

My 75% off Dahlias from two years ago are at their peak.

This is the near ubiquitous Knock Out Rose. I like them better in other people's yard, but when you get something for free, your opinion can change.
Abelia x 'Sunrise' was nice when I first got it, but I would now like to replace it with
Abelia x 'Kaleidoscope' which was not on the market when this bed was planted

This is Miss Huff Lantana with a fat spider in it, or rather it is a fat spider in a Miss Huff Lantana.

Now for some greens.
Ajania pacifica use to be
Chrysanthemum pacificum and it will take me a long time to remember this. It is nearly a weed, but I like the foliage so much, that I put up with its roamings.

No blooms, but the Fish Net Stockings Coleus has not looked good until the last month. My other coleus are monsters, but this one grew slowly like it was stunted or something. I don't think it is anything endemic with this cultivar; I think our supplier did something to it before it was sold to us, maybe growth regulator?

These are flowers on Sulphur Heart Persian Ivy, and the honeybees and house flies have been busy with it for several weeks. Today's rain gave them the day off.

Lastly, the first sign of fall in my garden is on the Cutleaf Sumac. It is still a little early for fall foliage here, but the Dogwoods in the area have turned which are the first trees to do so. It won't be long before the other trees start in their order.

Thank you Queen Carol!
I posted a day late and didn't realize it until I looked at my blogroll! Anyway,never too late for such beautiful photos--you may not love your Knockout (GOT to get you and Jeff and the Curmudgeon together), but the photo is so pretty. I really like the--what? Ajana?--with the lime sweet potato vine--that's a wonderful combination (so it's not a mum, then?) I'm ready for the fall, I think--some of our viburnums have turned, too, and the poplars are starting. Your garden is wonderful--I love seeing pictures o it.
ReplyDeleteSo glad we nagged you into it ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat Ajania looks interesting. Do the leaves have a white outline or are they thick and is it a trick of the light? Very nice shape. That is worth having as a ground cover.
Know what? I think it is time to come up with a new folk name for the Tricyrtis : named for a warty amphibian? My suggestion is 'freckle-bells'.
Can I put in a request for a picture of that cutleaf Sumac when it is at its most colourful? I drive twenty miles each year to where I know there is one (at a food mart no less ).It is worth the round trip.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind comments. If you know anyone who has the Ajania, I am more than sure they will give you some. I am glad you are starting to get fall color which means we will follow soon. Although, I am not ready to pull all my summer stuff out yet.
I prefer "gently nudged" to "nag".
Ajania has leaves that are slightly thicker than a Chrysanthemum and the undersides and edges of each leaf are silver. It should be in bloom for next month's GBBD. The flowers are an antique gold in color. I will try to capture the sumac for you. If you were here I would give you one, they come up everywhere from the roots and I constantly pull them out.
Spectacular photos and lots of blooms!
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never Les. The knockouts aren't as spectacular as the hybrids, but they are more reliable and bloom longer. I'm seeing some fall color in the oaks but no signs in the maples yets.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics Les, as usual. I struggle with the breakup of Chrysanthemum as a genus to the point that I'm afraid to try to talk about any of them at this point! Love the coleus - every time I decide I'm not adding any more to the collection I carry over from cuttings every year I find another one I want. I like the Knockout roses in other people's yards, too. "Free" is good, but since everybody else is planting them and I still have a homeless "Distant Drums", along with several other roses (these were all free, too, come to think of it, rooted from cuttings I rescued from the trash after a show at the mall a few years back) sitting in pots in my favorite neighbor's yard, I'm not jumping on that bandwagon right now.
ReplyDeleteQueen Carol? I'm honored! I hope you'll forgive me for being late as well, in commenting. It seems there are too many other things going on this fall.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad I had a few minutes to come and see your garden, it's beautiful as always.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by my late bloom day.
I DO sing the praises of Knock Outs and recommend them to many customers. I just would prefer another shade of red, one that was more orange than pink. Thanks!
I pull up coleus as I am too lazy to root cuttings, and will just buy new ones next year. Distant Drums is such an unusual color for a rose, I sell it just as an alternative to the more traditional colors. Sounds like I need neighbors, like yours.
Thanks for coming by and thanks for the kind comments. Your title is all in good fun, but you have also earned it.
Les, it's rather fun to have GBBD spread out over several days. Your garden looks very happy for the rain, and it's fun to see photos taken in different weather conditions. That spider looked ready to spin a web on your post. I hope you find some free time to relax and enjoy your garden as you sound so busy.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite glad that those little conspiracies of yours didn't deny us of all those wonderful blooms that just had to be seen. Anyway, the greatest artists were famous for 'bending' the rules, so I'm sure Queen Carol feels privileged ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting and may I modestly agree with you, Dubrovnik indeed is one of those places that would be an undeniable gem even if it wasn't down in any map. A place that shouldn't be missed for sure.
My compliments on a wonderful blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and for you positive comments. I look forward to seeing more of your posts too.