October 29, 2015

Chanticleer in Mid-October

     Last year I attended the Perennial Plant Conference at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, and had such a good time that I wanted to return this year, but wanted to also include a couple of my co-workers. On the way up we were able to spend an afternoon at Chanticleer, and on the way back home we visited Longwood Gardens, both of which are two of the conference's co-sponsors. One of my co-workers had never been to Chanticleer, which might be considered deprivation for anyone interested in gardening, professionally or otherwise. I've been fortunate to have visited this "pleasure garden" on three different occasions, and each time has been as exciting, as intriguing, and as full of discovery as the first. Obviously the best way to experience Chanticleer is in person, but if you want to know more now, you can visit their web site, or read an earlier post of mine, or also see any of several other bloggers' perspectives (Pam's at Digging, Carolyn's Shade Garden, Donna's at Garden Walk Garden Talk, James' at View from Federal Twist, to name a few). This post, however, will be mostly photos.

Kitchen Courtyard Bowl (3)

Dyckia ‘Grape Jelly’, Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Entrance Patio)

Philodendron ‘Moonlight', Pseuderanthemum atroprurpureum, Sanchezia ‘Ellen’ (Lower Courtyard) (1)

Cornus florida, Neoregelia ‘Fireball’ (Lower Courtyard)

Teacup Garden (1)

Teacup Garden (2)

Shady Seats

Salvia mexicana 'Limelight' (Cut FLower Garden)

Garden Shed (2)

Garden Shed (1)

Bell's Woodland Bridge

Ruin Garden (1)

Ruin Garden (9)

Ruin Garden (12)

Ruin Garden (13)

Gravel Garden (3)

Muhlenbergia capillaris and Echinacea (Gravel Garden) (1)

Gentiana (Willow Bed)

Pond Garden Koi (3)

Calamagrostis brachytricha (Primula Meadow)

Cut Flower Garden (6)

Cut Flower Garden (4)

Salvia x 'Ember's Wish' (Tennis Court Garden)

Colchicum (2)

Agave americana (Pool Terrace) (1)

Agave americana (Pool Terrace) (2)

Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides  (Rill Garden)

Floating Passiflora Blossoms (Chanticleer House) (2)


Overlook (2)

Overlook (4)

Agave americana (Chanticleer House) (2)

     These photos are but a few that I took during our visit. If you would like to see my complete set of Chanticleer pictures from both this fall and from the summer of 2011, here is the link to my Flickr page.


  1. Les,
    I am sorry I missed meeting you at the Conference. I met James Golden there several years ago. I also went to Chanticleer. Your photographs, as always, are amazing. I hope to see you there in 2016!

  2. Les, this is SO beautiful! Lushness! Textures, colors, layers... - everything is here! Your pictures are GREAT!

  3. Lots of tropical annuals this time -- kind of reminds me of Austin in some of these pics! I always love a Chanticleer update. Thanks for sharing your pics, Les, and thanks too for linking to mine.

  4. Thank you!!! I needed a sunny garden visit this morning, this one was exceptional.

  5. Gorgeous garden and photos! I especially like the tunnel one. I visited Swarthmore on the college tour with my son and loved how the trees were labeled. I like the pop up labels on your photos too since I'm botanically ignorant but curious. If only we'd had time to visit Chanticleer!

  6. One day I will get to Chanticleer . . .

  7. Great what you did with the light in these photos, so many of them have that autumnal glow as well as just being plain old cool angles and subjects. Chanticleer is always a great visit and looking through your flickr page makes me wonder how you managed to narrow down to just these few!

  8. Loved it Les. That teacup in the teacup garden made me mournful and happy at the same time. I wonder why. Want to see Chanticleer and Longwood one day. I shall. ~~Dee

  9. What fabulous gardens. I visited Chanticleer for the first time last June, nice to see it still looking great in a different season. I had been hearing about it for years--can't believe it took me so long to get there. Wish I could have gone to this conference, but I just did too much other traveling in the past year.

  10. Inspirational pictures, great compositions. More then a few ideas to try to "borrow".
    BTW, I miss your annual Halloween story :-)

  11. Great images of this magical garden which I hope to see in person before I die. For now, your pictures are very satisfying.

  12. A public garden too long on my must-see list. Thanks, Les.

  13. This is one I want to see. Your photos are superb!

  14. Thanks for posting. It's a reminder to me that many things in our garden were inspired by several visits to Chanticleer. Our adirondack chairs were specifically added after Chanticleer and a number of flowers (Callirhoe involucrata for one) were discovered there. We've had the good fortune of a 4 hr tour with the director and I once took a two day photo workshop there. It's a really special place that should be on everyone's list of ourstanding gardens.

  15. Les, your photos brighten yet another dreary, rainy day here in the mountains. Thank you for the tour. Love the reflection in the pool. Also the tunnel beckons...

  16. Wow, so much beauty! Next time we visit our friends in Maryland we will have to make them take us to Chanticleer. So much to love, but the Teacup and Ruin Gardens really stand out.

  17. Luck you to have seen this garden in person on several occasions. I enjoyed seeing your photos of it.
