February 25, 2015

Summer Color II

     We had another snow last night, but apparently it was just a light appetizer. Tonight we are predicted to get the worst snowfall of the season with up to 8" of the heavy and wet variety. The schools were closed today and will not open tomorrow either. The city has already decided it will be closed too, with only emergency services in operation. I realize that we don't have it as bad as Boston does, but I am sick of this. Right now I should be seeing daffodils, hellebores and camellias opening. Maybe if I keep posting pictures from this past summer the nasty weather might somehow be pushed away, or at the very least looking at the computer might keep me from looking outside.

     As my last post ended, we were on the steps of the Administration Building. Let's go inside, through the rotunda, and out the backdoor to the fountain garden where we have two beds: one is very sunny, the other not so much. I was pleased with the shade side and how well the variegated ginger (Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'), blue plumbago (Plumbago auriculata), Duranta erecta 'Cuban Gold', and the vinca 'Cora Punch' (Catharanthus roseus 'Cora Punch') all worked together.
Administration Fountain (1)

Administration Fountain (2)

     On the sunny side of the fountain I was less pleased, probably because I think we had too many players in the design. Simpler would have been better. Ironically the starting point for our plan, a shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeeana 'Fruit Cocktail'), was quickly engulfed by the other plants in the bed and nearly disappeared. We repeated the 'Cora Punch' vinca and the Duranta, but added Lantana 'Bandana Lemon Zest', Salvia farinacea (I think the cultivar was 'Evolution'), bamboo muhly (Muhlenbergia dumosa), and a variegated rubber tree (Ficus elastica 'Ruby').
Administration Fountain (3)

Administration Fountain (4)

     In the Circle Garden a different shrimp plant (Pachystachys lutea) was the inspiration for this garden, only this species was able to hold its own. To go with its golden yellow and white color, I also wanted to see different shades of blue. We included Evolvulus 'Blue Daze', bog sage (Salvia uliginosa), more blue plumbago, macho fern (Nephrolepis biserrata 'Macho'), Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost', and on the trellises we grew black eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata). We also used Impatiens 'Sonic White', which is a New Guinea type. We have just about completely given up on using the once more common Impatiens walleriana because of downy mildew.
Circle Garden (3)

Circle Garden (1)

Circle Garden (2)

Circle Garden Planters (1)

     In the Baker Perennial Garden annuals are planted on either side of the fountain's channels. These very long, narrow beds almost beg to have a vertical element repeated regularly throughout. To fill this role we used Cordyline 'Red Sensation' planted with 'Mojito' elephant ears (Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'), Zinnia 'Zahara Double Cherry' and 'Double Fire', and Cuphea (I think it was 'Flamenco Samba').
Channel Beds, Baker Perennial Garden

Channel Beds, Baker Perennial Garden (4)

Channel Beds, Baker Perennial Garden (6)

     A couple of years ago I was surprised to learn there was an ornamental peanut (Arachis pointoi) being touted in Florida as a lawn replacement. Native to Brazil, it can take heat, and once summer became serious, the plant really took off. We planted the culitvar 'Golden Glory' at the entrance to our Tropical Garden, and I was hoping that its small yellow flowers would have been a bit more numerous. However, given its vigor and attractive foliage, it will be worth using again. The species is listed as hardy to zone 9, so we took cuttings at the end of the season to overwinter in a hothouse, but we also left a few in the ground to test for root hardiness.
Arachis pointoi 'Golden Glory' (2)

Arachis pointoi 'Golden Glory' (1)

Top of the Tropics (3)

Top of the Tropics (1)

     I have one more set of summer color photos I want to share with you, and maybe after that I can get back to more seasonal posts with some hints of the spring to come. If you don't find your own self snowed in, perhaps you will consider joining my Winter Walk-Off 2015, which is open to all bloggers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phillip, I am glad you enjoyed them.

  2. Beautiful photos, such a blast of summer that I felt it even up here in the PNW, where things are much better weather wise than what you're looking at. I hope this is the end and you turn the corner to spring-like weather soon!

    1. 60's next week, but with lots of rain, Loree. The landscape will be giant slushee.

  3. This summer series is a good fix for winter blues (even though all we have to contend with here in Seattle are clouds and a drizzle). I love how the trellises mimic the color schemes in the flower beds. When I was a growing up, blue plumbago was used as hedges. Me and my girlfriends would pick off an individual floret and stick them to our ear lobes like earnings... How do you keep the green roof watered?

    1. Chavliness, the green roof was planted with very drought tolerant plants, but the pitch of the roof is a little too much, so we supplement the rain.

  4. Cheered me right up, Les. I don't usually like yellow flowers, but that shrimp plant was lovely. Also the ornamental peanut. Shame it isn't winter hardy.

    The snowfall predictions for here were overblown so I'm hoping that will be the case as well in Hampton Roads. And I hope this is Old Man Winter's last gasp. BTW, don't know if I will be able to participate in the winter walk off because I haven't been able to go anywhere except the grocery store and library for over a week.

    1. We used that shrimp plant because it did so well for us the previous summer. We only planted a couple in containers, but they bloomed non-stop.

      A trip to the grocery store or library would be fine.

  5. What a breath of fresh air Les! I love it all. I don't think I could survive summer without tropicals. That peanut is such an interesting plant. I think it's great that we're starting to think more about lawn alternatives in our hot climates. I wish it were hot today. It's so cold and windy beyond belief. Tomorrow is snow, ice, etc. etc. I don't feel like I should complain because our northern friends have had such a hard winter and continue to, but good grief, I want to see my hellebores and hamamelis. I am sick to death of winter. Thank you for the color respite.~~Dee

    1. Thanks for stopping by Dee. I probably do complain about winter too much, but most of it is not too serious. If it bothered me that much, I would move somewhere else. You are right about having some sympathy for our northern friends.

  6. Ah, Arachis pintoi! I was wondering what that plant was. I've seen it here in Florida, and thought it was a type of Sweet Pea. Good to be able to put a name to it. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos and great information!

    1. Beth, after reading about it, I can see why it is used in Florida. It was particularly recommended for parking lot hell-strips.

  7. I so love all the gardens you showed at the Norfolk Botanical Garden but the one area that I would love to use the design myself is the blue and white bed with the annuals lobelia, alyssum and the tall wooden supports. It is really a great bed. I also love the fountain's channel beds. Some in our area use those elephant ears - they make such a nice statement in the gardens. Soon you will be seeing those daffodils. Here the little nubs are snug under the snow. Did you get 8" more?

    1. Donna, our 8" did not quite come as predicted, ending up more like 6". It was a heavy snow, though, with lots of broken branches and bowing shrubs.

  8. Beautiful! I think the elephant ears over the rill are my favorite. Your beds are really full. I love those blue and yellow trellis designs. I might have to get my hammer and nails out and get to work on some for my garden-as soon as winter gives way. Won't be long!

    1. Tina, I tend to overplant and should really learn to be more patient and let things fill in on their own schedule. Problem is, we want the beds to look good from the get-go.

  9. Love the Pachystachys - very unique and gorgeous flower.

    1. And in the right spot, it is tough too. We found bright but filtered light to be perfect for it.

  10. I love this series! You've given me some great ideas for my containers. :o)
