January 3, 2015

Milepost 500

     I started blogging back in 2008, and I am finding it hard to believe that I have somehow managed to produce 500 posts. I know I have not produced 500 quality posts, but in this age of infographics, click-throughs, contact lists, tweets, virtual friends and short attention spans, 500 is not so bad. Lately I have been having trouble finding the time to be a good blogger. I know I have not posted as frequently as I once did, and I have, regretfully, not been able to keep up with what other bloggers have been doing as well. I am not normally one to make excuses, but I will anyway. I can equally blame lack of time, Facebook, at-home competition for the computer, and better things to do. So if you haven't seen me lurking around your blog recently, please don't feel slighted -
it's not you, it's me.

     Ironically, I have much blogging material to work with at the moment, including one more Colorado post from this summer, and I just got back from a photo-rich trip to south Florida. However, before I get to any of these posts, I did not want 500 to pass by unnoticed, even though that number is only significant because we make it so. I guess if our species had a different number of fingers on each hand, different anniversaries would be celebrated. And speaking of celebrating, just how does one mark 500 posts? How about with something completely random? We drove home from Florida yesterday, and as in any long road trip, random things are seen, random stops are made. In Lumberton, North Carolina we stopped to fill up our tank with the gasoline that would get us home. Someone at the station had been quite creative with the landscaping, especially with containers. Since sharing is the very essence of blogging, let me do so.

     The southern magnolia planters were the most interesting. The trees are actually planted in the ground, but the trunks are wrapped in black drainage pipe. There were a matching pair flanking the entrance to the service station.

    Whether this is your first visit,  your 500th, or more plausibly, something in between, I thank you for stopping by.


  1. No small feat on the 500, Les! I think I found you early on and always enjoy your posts. I'm bad at commenting! Love the gas station gardening.

  2. What a fitting post for the 500th! It's stylish, and yet makes one ask "what were they thinking"...congrats on the big round number! Now get working on #501 okay?

  3. Congrats! I enjoy your blog. Less often is fine as then we can enjoy reading them more!

  4. Happy 500, Les! I'm looking forward to more.

  5. What imaginative planters. Love that sort of thing.

    Glad you made the drive safely. At least you didn't have to worry about snow !

    Congrats on hitting the 500 mark Les. Blogging shouldn't feel like a chore. That said I'd sure miss your blog if you let it go ...

  6. Congrats on hitting 500! And I am with you in more things to do, more distractions etc. making it harder to blog and much harder to keep up with other bloggers. I always enjoy my visits to your blog whether I comment or not. Amazing gas station; I think someone is a frustrated designer.

  7. My God that landscaping is impractical. And just kinda strange.

    I think everyone can emphasize with not having enough time for blogging, or enough energy! Blogging takes time and effort.

  8. Congratulations on the milestone. I think everyone is having more trouble both writing and reading blogs.

  9. Congrats on 500! Those planters were fun to see. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What fun Les! And congratulations on 500 posts. I look forward to many more, as and when. I sympathise with the issues around finding time to blog, it gets really hard!

  11. What a great eye to see what was a creative effort that probably gets passed by a hundred times a day. Very clever...
