December 31, 2014

The Last Sunset of 2014

     Time once again for another Tidewater Gardener tradition (to contradict me always saying I am not a traditionalist), the posting of the last sunset of the year. This year's shot is a little gray and murky, and though you can't tell it, a light rain is falling, but temps are near 80, and a warm breeze is blowing. This New Year's eve finds me in south Florida where there are palm trees, many wonderful palm species swaying everywhere. And if there has every been a year in my life I needed to have end with tropical weather and palm trees, it has been this one. 2014 has tested me, and unfortunately, I'm not yet sure what grade I've earned, but allow me to enjoy my break while I'm on it.

     For all of you, I wish a wonderful new year, and if you find the going rough, I wish you some distraction, a palm of your choosing. 


  1. Sometimes the sun doesn't shine but I admire you for finding beauty nonetheless. I look forward to this annual post. Happy New Year, Les!

  2. Better change the year in your blog post title. You're a year ahead of yourself.

    1. Thanks for catching that Kathy, I just changed the title. It must be an indication of how much I want to see 2014 gone.

  3. There is nothing wrong with tradition as long as it is a good one. Happy New Year Les. Loved your favorite pictures.

    1. Thanks, Layanee! Happy new year to you as well.

  4. Always enjoy all your posts and wonderful photos. Hoping that the New Year gives you many reasons to celebrate and little or nothing to grieve. If tears should fall may they cause flowers to bloom.

    1. CIGuy, I love that last sentence, thank you.

  5. A warm breezy sunset! Sound like a natural hug.
    Seattle was below freezing last night so in that regard I'm a little envious.
    Health and Happiness in the new year Les, joy in gardening and great pictures too.

    1. Heath and happiness to you as well in 2015, Chavliness. Thanks for following this year.

  6. An excellent tradition. Happy New Year.

  7. Hope you're having a marvellous holiday Les. So many bloggers that I follow report 2014 as being a dubious sort of year. I know it was sucky for me. (My daughter who lives with me, suffers from Depression and attempted to take her own life. How's THAT for sucky !)

    I hope that 2015 is a Happier year than 2014. Your Scotian chum, Sybl

    1. Sybil, I do hope you daughter is doing better, and it is painfully ironic what you have said. I almost wrote about suicide in this post, because this was the year two people I knew took their own life, and three people I am close with were touched deeply by it. I always thought of it as an incredibly selfish act, and could never understand how something on this beautiful world couldn't be found worth living for. However, my wife, who still teaches me things, told me it is not that simple, and I now know just how complex the issue is. I wish you and your daughter a happier and healthier new year.

  8. Thanks for being honest. So many people (including myself sometimes), try to be strong and cheery even when they really need to have a good cry (in one form or another). May 2015 be a much better year for you! I like your tradition. The winter of 2014 was horrid for me. That's why I'm heading for Florida soon for a long getaway. Enjoy your time there. And Happy New Year!

    1. Beth, I have found that as I age, honesty comes more easily. I hope your trip to Florida is therapeutic, or at least distracting. Happy new year to you as well!

  9. Hoping you have a better year this year than the last.
