January 29, 2014

Snow Day

8.5 Inches

Front Porch

Euonymus japonicus 'Chollipo'


Iris germanica

Ilex cornuta O'Spring

Climate Change Killed the Dinosaurs (3)

Lagerstroemia (2)

Lagerstroemia (3)

Lagerstroemia (4)

Chilly Mermaid

Knitting Mill Creek (3)

Knitting Mill Creek (1)

Knitting Mill Creek (2)

Gulls (2)

Gulls (4)

Gulls (1)


  1. The snow/ice on the water looks like clouds...so fluffy! I love the pictures of the birds, too!

  2. Love the Crepe Myrtles and that shot of the sea gulls taking flight would win you an award! Vikki in VA

  3. The crepe myrtles look great in the snow, but I bet they are wishing Spring was here.

  4. So pretty! Says the person who doesn't have to live in it... I love the mermaid with the scarf!

  5. Isn't snow fun and photogenic? That poor lizard though. He may not make it.

  6. Wow you guys really got the snow! Enjoyed the crape myrtles in a row in front of the houses, nice.

  7. Beautiful. When I was growing up in Hampton and later Chesapeake this would have been heaven, because we got significant snows so rarely.

  8. Looks too much like New Hampshire, Les. Makes me even colder thinking of what is happening so far south. I agree, those Crape Myrtles are magnificent! Keep warm.

  9. Wow! Welcome to Maine? I never saw the south like this. I hope you're dug out soon. The bird shots are my favorite. It's nice to see something other than stuck cars and fishtailed trucks.

  10. Unaccustomed snowfall in your neck of the woods made the news here. Your snowy images look very, very familiar. We have had lots of snow this winter and record breaking cold. Sadly global warming seems to create hard-to-live-with extremes.

  11. A mermaid with a scarf! Someone is able to maintain a sense of humor despite the unfavorable conditions. The lizard more closely resembles how I would feel about such weather.

  12. So do you have the toboggan out? A rounded car hood works good too. Ha ha.

  13. Wow, you got a lot of snow! It looks pretty familiar to me, but that's what we have all winter up here in the northern Midwest. Love the mermaid with the scarf. And the gulls with the kids watching. Beautiful photography!

  14. That mermaid looks a little unimpressed, but how beautiful everything looks with a layer of snow. And how strange, given that I associate your garden with plants I would almost term tropical!

  15. Will the lizard survive? They probably arent used to this! This must be shocking!

  16. Thanks everyone for playing in the snow with me. It is not unusual for us to get snow here, but usually we only get one or two per year, and one as deep as this happens every 5 years or so. Everyone here complains or mocks how the different cities, school systems and media react to just the threat of snow, let alone something like this. But I think we are all glad that the powers that be were overly cautious, especially in light of what Atlanta went through.

  17. It would have to happen the one day I was going to be in Va Beach! I have vowed to stay in my mountain nest and not travel again in the winter! Love the gulls and your lizard!

  18. That's a lot of snow! Love the snow covered lizard (he looks angry about it) and the mermaid with the scarf.
