December 31, 2013

The Last Sunset of 2013

     Once again I am marking the passing of the year with a photo taken at sunset. I rode my bike to Bolling Ave. which deadends at the Elizabeth River. I frequented this spot throughout my college days to get away and clear my head, and it still works as needed. Ironically when I got there tonight an old college friend was there with his wife watching the sunset as well. It was good to see him, but it was an oddly random event. Tonight's offering was not bad, but it was not the best I have ever seen either.

     The last day of 2013 does not find me very reflective, and I can't think of anything terribly clever to say about yet another year passing, and I am neither anxious about or looking forward to 2014. Perhaps I need to take a clue from some of the graffiti on the seawall at the river, which urges all readers to "die living". However, I am not about to take up skydiving or bungee jumping. I have no plans to scale El Capitan or make a solo crossing of the Atlantic. I will, however, take whatever each day has to offer, even if the sunset is a modest one. I guarantee it will absolutely be the best sunset I'll have seen that day.


  1. A fitting farewell sunset for 2013. Here's to a happy, healthy 2014! Looking forward to this year's walk off!

    1. Thanks Outlaw, I hope you have some cool architecture in mind for this year's walk off.

  2. I knew I could count on you, Les, to not get overcrazy with extravagant resolutions. I like the sentiments on that graffiti wall. I might spraypaint underneath, in parentheses "(or die trying).'

    Happy new year!

    1. I would spraypaint it for you, but as much as I like creative graffiti, I find the bulk of it only one step above litter. Happy new year to you as well!

  3. That is a beautiful picture of the sunset. Thanks for sharing it. I find I have pretty much the same attitude as you to the turning of the year this time. No great ambitions, no wonderfully clever reflections.

    1. Alison, let's raise a glass to ambivalence.

  4. That's a beautiful sunset.
    We just have to take things one day at a time. Before we know it, it'll be time for the last sunset of 2014.
    Hope every day is a good day. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you LInda. If the rest of the year ends up being as good as the first one, I'll be happy.

  5. Oh I love that way of looking at things ... "It'll be the best sunset of the day" ...

    Can't think of a better resolution than to "die living" ... Keep paddling Les.

    1. Thanks Sybil! I would paddle if it was not so damn cold.

  6. Perfect advice. Thanks for the feast for the eyes this past year.

    1. I will thank you for the same present Joan. Happy new year to you!

  7. Beautiful way to welcome in the year. Your images are inspiring, but I agree with you, no desire to take up a wild hobby to "live".

    1. Donna, I may have taken up a wild hobby when I was younger, but these days I need to consider the long term consequences. Happy new year to you!

  8. It is a dramatic and beautiful sunset in my book, even though you may have seen better. Happy 2014!

  9. Gorgeous sunset, Les! I like your attitude of it always being the best one of the day. I enjoyed your garden images in your more recent post. We are still under several inches of ice and old snow in Maine. I thought the south was unusually cold too.

  10. Ah, I've read the post and now understand that those are summer photos above. Happy New Year!
