March 15, 2013

Bloom Day - A Video Tour

I got a new smart phone this week, and decided to test its capabilities by making this month's Bloom Day a video tour.  My test told me several things; I do like the phone, I say the word "nice" too much, and I gave the wrong name for a camellia. I said "Nuccio's Pearl" instead "Nuccio's Gem", but that's only because I think it would be a more logical name for my favorite white camellia.

Now without further ado, let's get on with the show.

I doubt you will see many more videos here, as the virtual world already has enough shaky, poorly produced ones. Speaking of worlds, if you want to see what other gardeners around the globe are growing this month, then you should pay a visit to Carol at May Dreams Gardens. On the 15th of each month she hosts Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

Finally, I want to remind you that there are still a few days to enter my 2013 Winter Walk-Off.  I am keeping the files open until midnight on the 19th. Hopefully you will join in, and if you can't, at least stop by next week for my wrap-up.  It promises to be the most diverse in three years.


  1. Thanks. I liked that. It IS like making a short visit to your garden.

  2. Loved the video and the garden. Happy Bloom Day!

  3. Fabulous! It's wonderful not only to see the flowers but to get a visual on the layout of your land. For me I think the most striking thing was your Stachyurus, certainly has me rethinking placement...

    Happy Bloomday to you!

  4. Hey Les, I thought that the tour was great! Videos are handy for piecing together the various elements we've seen in your posts. I hope you'll take some videos at work too!

  5. Love it! I really enjoyed getting a tour of your garden, but I should have taken notes on the plants I wanted to comment on... I have been battling ivy and pulling it out by the armful ever since we moved here, amazing how much plant real estate it opens up, likewise vinca which is next on my hit list. And it may not be flowering yet, but I am now the proud owner of an Edgeworthia, you and Janet between you convinced me!

  6. I enjoyed the video tour. I learned the correct pronunciation of hellebores, which I cannot grow here and never get to see except in photos. I love anemones. Those I can grow here and do, and I've never seen one with foliage as dark as yours. It appears to be a true black?

  7. That was fun! Good to hear your voice as well as see your garden. Maybe I will do one myself when there is enough going on outside to take a tour.

  8. Hey, GREAT tour! Love how the dog got into the act. I really enjoyed seeing your whole garden - the water feature is terrific. But wait, you bought a Daphne to kill? Is that the right attitude?

  9. Loved it! I have been reading your posts for a year or so, and it was great not only to see your property and your sweet dog, but also to hear your actual voice.

  10. What a great idea! I feel like I just had a tour of your garden over coffee. In my experience it takes 5-10 years to kill a Daphne so you should still get a few Bloom Days out of it. Happy GBBD!

  11. I enjoyed the tour of the whole garden and hearing your voice, but I must admit that I like the still photos better---I am feeling a little vertigo. I always heard H. foetidus called stinking hellebore, and it's because if your tear the leaves there is a smell. I prefer to call it bearsfoot hellebore, another of its common names. I have given up planting daphnes to kill but I got a good laugh out of your comment. I can't believe you let lesser celandine/ranunculus anywhere near your property. It has come up from the stream and taken over 1/4 acre of mine and can't be eradicated. I always tell my customers to remove it immediately with all the surrounding soil.

  12. Hi, Les,

    Been mia for some time now, but things happen, eh?

    Enjoyed the video and the walk in your park, but I must say I couldn't get Ranunculus 'Brazen Hussy' out of my head. ;) Now you'll show us the summer garden too, right? Have a great weekend.

  13. The video is wonderful. Not shaky. I enjoyed seeing your garden ... and your cute dog.

    Great garden.

  14. Nice to see your garden and hear your southern voice with pronunciation of plant names which differs from ours here in New Zealand.
    However I agree with Carolyn that I prefer your quite outstanding still photographs which have made me long to visit Southern USA.....especially now that you have made me appreciate what fabulous historic buildings you have.
    Could well fit in with a trip to 'almost family' in Florida which is overdue so must make plans.....

  15. I always thought it'd be fun to tour your gardens and now I have. There's a real opportunity for you to teach by video. Did I know you had a pond?
