January 3, 2013

U.S. Botanic Garden

The first stop on our D.C. day trip was the United States Botanic Garden.  I think this was my fourth time there, and it has always been one of my favorite places in the city to visit, even before I knew much about plants.  Sitting in the shadow of Capitol Hill, it has always seemed pleasantly out of place with what surrounds it.  As we were walking towards the front entrance, I noticed one of the gardeners grooming the brown foliage from some yucca plants, apparently not bothered by the rain and wet snow. As soon as we entered I knew why she was out in the cold, because there simply would have been no room for her to work inside.  Though it was not as crowded as some of the other places we were to visit, it was still thick with people.

United States Botanic Garden

Christmas Capitol

Christmas Monument

Christmas Reflecting Pool

Christmas Obelisk

Abies seasonalensis 'Tannenbaum'

Golden Climber


Clerodendron splendens (Flaming Glorybower)
Clerodendron splendens

Aphelandra aurantiaca ( Fiery Spike) 
Aphelandra aurantiaca

Dichorisandra thyrsiflora (Blue Ginger)
  Dichorisandra thyrsiflora

Aloe and Pachypodium
Aloe and Pachypodium

Cleistocactus winteri (Golden Rat Tail)
  Cleistocactus winteri

The Hawaii Room

Zamia fairchildiana
Zamia fairchildiana

Encephalarlos longifolius
Encephalarlos longifolius

If you ever find yourself in Washington, and need suggestions on what to see, I highly recommend the U.S. Botanic Gardens.  It is very easy to find, you can see all of it before your non-gardening companions lose interest, and it offers a breath of sanity sorely needed just a few hundred yards away and up The Hill.


  1. wonderful shots my parents live in DC and I will go next time I visit..thanks

  2. This is on my "someday" list, thanks for the preview!

  3. lovely pictures !!!!

  4. Such a wonderful combination blend of texture and color from the Hawaii Room Image.

  5. I have been there on a number of occasions when I lived and worked in DC. They had a wonderful bonsai exhibit many years ago. Thanks for the memories, Les!

  6. I love it! All the red poinsettias and the blue ginger are just gorgeous.

  7. Hi Les, THat image of Zamia fairchildiana is very cool.

  8. Hi Les, THat image of Zamia fairchildiana is very cool.

  9. Thanks for taking us along on this great tour. I've never visited our nation's capitol but when I do, this botanic garden will certainly be on the list of places to see!

  10. Les, there is a wonderful garden like that in Toronto. If I lived there I'd visit it every day to help me through the winter. Sadly, nothing in Halifax like it. Sigh ...

  11. Your D.C. trip has given me the urge to have a local museum day. I'm way overdue.

  12. That cactus looks like fingers draped over the rock, wonderful but disturbing. Love the Hawaiian images too, but don't envy you the crowds. Happy 2013!

  13. Next time I visit DC, I'll remember this post. Lovely photos, Les. Happy New Year!

  14. I can almost smell the green-ness of everything. Thanks for the visit, Les!

  15. Les,

    Zamia fairchildiana should actually be called Zamia Chicken Feet.

