June 13, 2011

A Bike, a Train and Some Boats

In need of a ride, I headed downtown early Saturday morning on my bike.  It was Harborfest weekend, which over the years has more or less been a big deal.  The festival originally was designed to pull people back downtown to the waterfront, which at the time had fallen on sad times.  These days the area is a thriving, happening kind of place, but the annual party goes on just the same.  Though I like generous quantities of music, food and beer, I prefer to enjoy them on my own terms, not necessarily with throngs of sweating strangers.  So I got there before the party started, hoping to catch some good photo opportunities, and these are some of the things I saw.

Along the bike trail, one of our weediest natives, Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans) was enjoying the heat.  Left unchecked, and given the right opportunity, it can become a tree.

Campsis radicans (2)

Campsis radicans (4)

Closer to downtown the waterfront was full of boats and boat-people sleeping off the previous night's festivities.

Harborfest (2)

Harborfest (5)

Harborfest (3)

Harborfest (4)

This year there were only a few tall ships visiting.  In previous years the water has been thick with them.  This one is the Kalmar Nyckel from Delaware.

Harborfest (7)

Harborfest (9)

Some of the crew from the Gazela of Philadelphia was busy in the rigging Saturday morning.

Harborfest (12)

The not so tall ship pictured below is a replica of the Godspeed, one of the ships that brought the first English settlers to Virginia in 1607.  The first of my family arrived a few years later, and I can't imagine how bad things must of been in England for anyone to risk crossing the Atlantic in such a small ship.

Harborfest (11)

Some of my more recent relatives used boats like these below.  The Chesapeake Deadrise was designed for working in the shallow waters of the Chesapeake Bay.  It had a large open work area on the back where the business of oystering, crabbing, fishing or attending waterfront parties could take place.

Harborfest (17)


The dive boat Cromo had a pretty cool beard.

Harborfest (15)

In case anyone got out of hand, the military was on hand to maintain the peace.

Harborfest (8)

I saw many things Saturday morning, but what I enjoyed the most was watching dogs fly, dive and walk on water.

Dock Dogs (2)

Dock Dogs

Dock Dogs (3)

Dock Dogs (4)


  1. I watched one of those dog jumping contests, pretty cool.
    Love the tall ships, they are marvels to explore.

  2. Would love to have see the dogs jump. Our terrier loves a pool. Or a hose. Actually, just about any running water.

  3. Thanks for the virtual tour of the festival. I always enjoy the chance to view your photographs even if "off topic".

  4. Those were some beautiful ships. They are so elegant with those tall masts.

    I bet it would have been fun to have tried my JRT in a jumping contest. Although tiny she was a jumping fool. Not a real water dog though. She was muscular and so sank like a rock and had to paddle just to keep her head above water.

  5. Les, I think Hemerocallis #6 might be 'Lake Effect.' It may not be, but sure looks like mine. The red one I think is 'Red Volunteer.' The velvety look of the petals makes me think so. I have some unknowns due to indifference also. :)

    The coast and boats, even ships, were lovely too.~~Dee

  6. The Kalmar Nyckel looks like it just sailed in from a Sinbad movie.

  7. Janet,
    I must have spent an hour watching those dogs. The whole time thinking there is no way in hell one of mine would ever do that.

    For normally smelly hounds, mine are very prissy. They avoid mud puddles and generally do not like to get wet. Neither one of them can swim, but Loretta is not above taking a lady-like wade when it gets hot.

    Thanks! I seem to be getting more off topic lately, so its good to know I am not alienating all my followers.

    They make doggie life vests. I may be getting Penny one this summer so she can go kyaking with us.

    Thanks for the ID. Usually I am not concerned with the names, until someone expresses and interest, then I take it to work and one of the Daylily people help me out.

    On the stern of the boat they had all kinds of contemporary people's heads carved in wood. It was creepy cool.

