May 8, 2011

Moms Love Roses

I want to wish all the mother's out there a happy Mother's Day, and I would like to send each of you an electronic bouquet of roses.  All of these photos were taken on Friday at the Nofolk Botanical Gardens, which I visited on National Public Garden Day (and because of the free admission).  Though there were lots of roses to look at and to photograph, I focused in on the David Austin roses (with apologies to Jo).  It was nice to see the roses before our summer humidity begins messing with the foliage and before an army of Japanese beetles decends upon them.

Golden Celebration
Rose Golden Celebration

Rose Prospero

Wild Eve
Rose Wild Eve

Rose Tradescant

Sophy's Rose
Rose Sophy's Rose

Charles Darwin
Rose Charles Darwin

Benjamin Britten
Rose Benjamin Britten

Wife of Bath
Rose Wife of Bath

Blythe Spirit
Rose Blythe Spirit

Rose Tamora

There will be more to follow from my trip to the gardens in the next post.


  1. les, you picked some fantastic ones to showcase. this mom definitely loves roses! cant wait to see more of your pictures from that garden.

  2. I agree with Daricia, love these roses. Can't wait to see more.

  3. Wow the Roses really look gorgeous right now, thanks for the electronic bouquet for Mother's Day Les! I hope your wife has a wonderful day. :)

  4. I looked through the photos thinking, "Oh, THAT's my favorite..." but they all were :)

  5. Thanks for the beautiful pictures of roses! That last one really appeals to me, love it.

  6. Les, the roses (photos) are exquisite. And thanks for the Mother's day well wishes. We heard from all 4 of our sons and that was a wonderful day!

  7. Awesome pics! Love to see different varieties and these are lovely.

  8. Stunning rose shots Les. I hope Lori :
    sees this post. She has a great garden full of roses...I also hear she has a shoe collection of equally impressive proportions!


  9. Beautiful. I particularly love the subtle colouring of Tradescant and Tamora. I really must get to grips with roses, and learn how to mix them well with other plants. I was always put off by seeing "traditional" rose beds, bare for much of the year. I don't like monoculture.

  10. Those roses are all luscious in color, textures and style, Les. Thank you for sharing these on Mother's Day;-)

  11. That is totally sweet of you. I can smell them also.

  12. Excellent timing, Les. I love Austin roses and have been trying to narrow down which couple to buy but most of the photos I've found have been subpar. I get a true sense of them from yours.

  13. Spectacular--thanks for the Mother's Day wishes and the roses.

  14. Roses are all about The Moment anyway. Fairly decent place for rose growing in Southern Calif, but by mid summer very few roses could be called handsome shrubs. Really luscious photos!

  15. I could really come to love roses just from your pictures.

    How come A Lion In Winter (1968) is not on your movie list?

  16. What beautiful roses! I especially love the Charles Darwin...

  17. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to visit and comment. I do enjoy roses, but only have one David Austin. Like the ones in this post it looks good now, though what it will look like in a month is up for speculation.

  18. Just found your blog, happily, in searching for local gardening blogs. Thanks for the lovely photos of the Botanical Gardens and for highlighting their annual plant sale. Having attended this year for the first time, I'll be sure to go again. Easy to do a fair amount of damage ($) but I certainly could have done much more =).

  19. Patricia,
    Thanks for stopping by, you are welcome back anytime. I left the plant sale with only two finds. One is still in its pot by the back door, terrible isn't it?

