December 31, 2010

The Last Sunset of 2010

Well here we are once again upon another New Year's Eve. If you know me, or remember my post from the first day of this year, then you may recall how I feel about tonight. Normally I do not get all excited just because one year is over and another begins, it's usually just another day to me. However, tonight finds me glad to be saying goodbye to 2010, though I know it has left unfinished business for 2011 to deal with. There are several things on my mind, like my place in the economy, my wife's stressful job, my son's rush to adulthood or my needy house. Though these are all important, what worries me more is what is going to happen to two other people I love. One is facing a complicated surgery involving a long recovery, but the outcome should lead to a better life. The other is likely facing the end of her days, leaving behind a small universe of friends and family who love her and depend on her, all of them are better people for having known her, including me. Few issues are solved with a new calender.

Knitting Mill Creek, Norfolk Va. 12/31/10

Last Sunset of the Year

Though it's obvious to me that unfinished items are being carried into 2011, I need to remind myself that the opportunities awaiting all of us in a new year are not so obvious. So I have resolved to keep one eye on what already is, and the other on what could be.

I wish all of you a new year of few troubles, outweighed by opportunities.


  1. I too am glad to see 2010 come to an end, although challenges will be carried over to the New Year.

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties facing two people close to you. Life is sometimes hard - the challenge (I've learned the hard way) is to maintain a sense of gratitude and to not allow the difficulties to blind you to the wonders. Ahhhh.... easier said than done.

    Best to you - and those in your life - in this new year.

  2. Les, I guess your two people are our parents. My advice is to spend as much time as possible with them and take comfort in knowing that you spent your whole life with them. Wishing you a prosperous and healthy New Year. Love, Wanda

  3. Les, I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties of two people close to you...but when one door close another one opens. Hold the past dear and look to the future.

  4. You are resolved to have no resolutions? A new year is simply a new day, like any other. The older I get, the more each year feels like a day, which creates urgency, which I think is good to get one's carpe diem on. But no matter what, when changes comes--no matter its form--there always seem to be two paths to follow, which is better than just one. Or so Robert Frost told me.

  5. Lovely sunset Les! I hope you will find the strength and wit to cope with all our world offers . . . best of luck to your friends. The end of a year is nothing to the end of a life. Wishing you all the best in this New Year!

  6. Les, dear, you are right on target with your assessment of the challenges that 2010 brought. There is still much uncertainty, as 2011 dawns today. Love your loved ones, and be thankful for your blessings, no matter how small they seem at the time.

    Last night's sunset WAS wonderful, wasn't it. Your photo is beautiful.

  7. I am with Heartwood Roses....focus on love, show gratitude, be in the moment and know that whatever trouble you face in a day-find comfort in the rhythms in nature all around....sunrise, sunset, high tide, low everything a season. All the best in 2011.

  8. After reading your post I wanted to say something supportive but was at a loss as to the words. The other commenters seem to have been able to find them. I'll just wish you a good times ahead in the New Year.

  9. Hope this unfolds in new and pleasant ways for you. As we can't slow the clock with our children, embrace each day (which I know you do)
    As for your two people mentioned, I hope for the best for them.
    Here's to new beginnings......... each day is a new adventure.

  10. Les, The path of life never seems to be completely smooth and trouble-free. May you and yours walk that path with courage and optimism, heal from the bumps and enjoy the path when life is once again untroubled.

  11. Found you via "Chef In The Garden".... Wonderful blog.... I will be visiting again soon. Thanks for posting...K

  12. A post as touching as your photo. I'm sorry for your troubles, Les.

  13. I'm sorry to hear of the problems facing people you love. Sometimes life seems overwhelming. Blessings..

  14. Happy New Year, Les! I LOVE your snow photos below. I do hope this New Year resolves your family's problems and brings joy.

  15. Profound thoughts for the New Year--don't get all excited but allow for opportunity. Happy New Year, Carolyn

  16. Les, what beautiful photo!

    Also remember 'balance', that about which we must reminds ourselves on a daily basis. We get so caught up in the "must get this done", that we forget to pause and breathe deeply when the rush is on. And I always ask myself, 'what is the worst thing that can happen' to make sure I don't let my emotions run away with it all.

    Thank you for being a part of our 2010 and a Happy and healthy New Year for you and your family! Many blessings!

  17. Les, Transitions always seem to offer us growth opportunities~whether we want them or not. Hugs to you as you journey into the year. If I may be so bold to offer advice~Surround yourself with people who love you and engage in activities that support you... gail

  18. Sending you warm thoughts from Sugar Hollow, Les. Big cheers to a New Year. Get the Patti Smith book - it is fantastic. Next on my list is the Keith Richards' Life! Then, the nose goes back into seed catalogs.

  19. I want New Year in spring or fall or on the Solstice. Winter is a time for hibernation. Oh well, 2010 is gone. This New Years is among the many firsts without my father, bittersweet because his horrific suffering is over. I firmly believe the only good thing to come from suffering is that we know what others are going through and our shared experiences will let them know they are not alone. God bless and good gardening in 2011. Cindi

  20. I just found your blog - terrfric pictures - I'll be back a lot - some great plantsin here that I have never seen this side of the pond. Happy New Year.

  21. Your lovely photo would be perfect for the January page of a calendar. I find your list of worries and concerns for the future intimidating. I wish the best for you and your loved ones, and my hopes that the business you finish this year is fruitful and joyous.

  22. A beautiful image to go with somber thoughts. I hope the new year brings unforeseen opportunities and many moments of joy, Les.

  23. Les, I'm sorry to hear the difficulties you're facing. I wish you enough strength to face the difficulties, my thoughts are with you. Take good care my friend. For this new year I hope it will be a blessed year for you. Hold on my friend.

  24. Hi Les,
    Such a beautifully written post. I wish you and your loved ones the best for the new year.
    P.S. The pictures of snow are exquisite in your previous post.

  25. Wow. Glorious shot. Happy New Year to you. Thanks for the beautiful pictures this past year.

  26. Dear Les, Your sunset photograph is so very beautiful! Know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. I wish you strength and a blessed new year. Pamela

  27. I want to thank all of you for taking the time to comment and I wish all the best for each of you in the coming year. I also greatly appreciate your words of encouragement and hope I did not sound too sad. My friend JoEllen did pass away this week and it was a blessing her death was quicker than we expected, as towards the end she was in a lot of pain. Now she is free. Thank you again!
