September 20, 2010

To the County Fair

Saturday we headed west to enjoy a day of stellar weather at the Isle of Wight County Fair. We were able to see prized produce and poultry, watch tractor pulls and lawn mower races, get in a lot of people watching, consider questionable rides, eat some really good BBQ, study a vast array of tattoos and have others worry about our salvation. I also got take a few photos.

Lemonade and Funnel Cakes

Contemplative Chicken

Wary Chicken

Complacent Chicken

Don't Skid on the Kids

Brown and White Bunny

Bunny Eye

Compensatin' F350


Jr. Pilot

Elephant Wash

Cattle 2

Caged Animals

Honarable Mention

Some might think that events like this no longer have much of a place in the America of 2010, but I am very glad they persist.


  1. Hiya Les,
    Didn't know you guys also had an Isle of Wight :-)
    Love the outing to the fair. Wonderful pictures. The rabbit jumped out at me. Wonder why the high ISO (560). Auto or your decision?

  2. Even in staid Connecticut, we have a goodly number of harvest fairs this time of year - a joyful place to be on a fall weekend. Love the snout shots!

  3. Your photos were just like being there, Les, thanks! Really nice shots of the livestock. That white rabbit looks like it knows something and is not telling! How fun. :-)
    ps, that link you sent was indeed my family members, thanks!

  4. Best pig snout photo ever. Nice set!

  5. Best snout picture EVER!! You should enter that into something! I hope we never see the end of country fairs....

  6. Great photos Les. We are a special breed! Love the kid in the cage... interesting perspective. ;>))

  7. i like the ice cream truck picture. nice memories of childhood - really does make you feel like you're there. the rabbit shot is almost creepy!

  8. I love county fairs too. I haven't been to one since for more than 8-9 years but still remember the ones in Maine with all the entries, tractor pulls and derby racing. Miss them so! Such good shots of the animals!

  9. You wrapped up the whole experience so well, I feel like I was there with you. Well except I would have had to know more about the little girl in the cage...

  10. Ahhh...these photos take me back to my childhood, although I don't think we had any elephants at our county fair!

  11. Do you know the story of the elephants?

  12. Nice pix, Les. I'd forgotten how much brahma there was in Virginia cattle.

  13. Les, I still go every year to our fair. Your photos are fab. Great angles. I can smell aroma of the fried vegetables and taste the funnel cakes and hear the music of the rides. It's a slice of Americana!

  14. That first photo captures it all. Your poultry images are fabulous and the pig made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that today. Wait a minute – what’s with the elephant?!

  15. I think so, too, Les. They were always a fun time for us a teens....Here in the middle south, it's been too hot to enjoy the fairs the last few years...100 degree days are not good. Love the photos, the chickens were fantastic~The elephant seemed out of place, but handsome! gail

  16. That's a great fair to spend a great day with family and friends!

    (My blog has changed to a new address, I invite you for a visit if you like)

  17. I'm curious about that girl in the cage too, but my faves are the monster truck and the pig snout.

  18. Jo,
    Yes we have our IOW too. It was one of the early shires long famous now for its hams and their smoked & salted goodness. ISO was part me, part camera.

    I am glad you still have them and hope you can get to one this fall.

    When I saw the rabbit I was hoping it would maintain that stare, and it did. Few of the chickens would look me in the eye.

    I was very pleased with the snout.

    If you hear of a snout photo contest, let me know please.

    After looking at so many people looking at so many caged animals, I had to take a picture of the turnabout. She was working with the folks at the county animal shelter, and I guess she thought the dog was lonely.

    Yes there was a certain look in the rabbit's eye, like the one from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    Thanks, we had a great time, especially with the animals and in the ag. tents.

    Read my comment to Carol please.

    They were cleaning them with a power washer in preperation for a show. I thought the cleaning was more interesting than any show would be.

    They were there for a show, complete with costumes, and to give paying people rides. They seemed remarkably well adjusted to the situation and appeared to enjoy the power washer too.

    There are few people around here too who like to think they have a little brahma in them.

    You description is spot on!

    Thanks for your comments and I am glad to have made you laugh. Read the comments above about the elephants.

    We had fantastic weather that day. However, today it was about 90, hotter tomorrow. More heat for the dry oven cooking my garden.

    I have changed your address in my subcription list.

    Those were my favs as well. The truck photo was taken from worm's eye view. As I am sure it is the same in Texas, many a young man takes a great deal of pride in his truck.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. You know I've never been to a county or state fair in Virginia. Shame on me. I do love Funnel Cake... :)

  21. that first photo with the funnel cakes took me back to my childhood and now I can't get the thought of wanting one out of my head.
    the photography is simply wonderful!
