August 11, 2010

Buy This Now, and One for Your Friends Too!

I have followed fellow blogger Benjamin of The Deep Middle ever since the name of his blog piqued my interest. He writes not only about gardening, life on the Great Prairie, environmental consciousness, sustainability and obnoxious neighbors - but he is also a published author. His second book of poetry, Without Such Absence will be available this fall, and you can read samples of from this work, as well as pre-order a copy by clicking here.

So why am I plugging this book? Well, because I am sure Benjamin is a swell guy, and I have a chance of winning my own copy by mentioning it on my blog.

Porch Corner

(This picture is of an abandoned house on Ocracoke, and it reminded me of some of the photos and topics at The Deep Middle.)


  1. Love the house photo!! Places like this always get the imagination going, don't they?

  2. Good luck winning a copy Les, after that nice plug you deserve it. ;) I love that shot of the old house.

  3. Good reason to plug it indeed. I love Benjamin's musings. I also love the picture of that old homestead.~~Dee

  4. Good Luck on the contest! I cannot help but wonder about those wonderful old abandon house's you see scattered throughout America. I wish they could talk because I know they would have very interesting stories to tell. I see so much to recycle on this old house you share today. What a shame to just sit and weather away...

  5. Congratulations to your friend! That old house shot is lovely and I liked your friend's poetry.
