This month's Bloom Day snuck up on me. My focus has been more on the fact that as of this week I return to having two days off. I wish I could say that this spring at the garden center has been way too busy to even consider getting my Saturday's back yet, but in spite of what you hear on the news, people are still tightly clutching their purses and wallets. Anyway, the extra free time will be spent between the garden, getting some projects done around the house and spending more time with my family who always seem to suffer when I work six days.
I thought that I might have a hard time finding things to show this month, as so many things bloomed early and all at once. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the bounty. Let's start with a few Roses.
Rosa x 'Betty Boop'
Rosa x 'Pat Austin'
Rosa x 'Caramba'
There is a lot of purple in the garden now.
Iris x 'Impersonator' is always the last of
my Iris to bloom, and this particular flower is the last flower on the last stalk.

Salvia x 'May Night'
Allium christophii (Star of Persia)

Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina' (French Hollyhock) comes up everywhere. I have it growing in the sidewalk cracks, as well as here in what passes for a lawn in the hell strip.

Delosperma cooperi (Hardy Ice Plant)

Tradescantia x 'Sweet Kate' (Sweet Kate Spiderwort)

Over the winter, half of one of my favorite plants died. I have had this Jerusalem Sage (
Phlomis fruticosa) for nearly 10 years, and I hope it recovers to its former self.

I took a couple of photos of things not quite yet open. The Hydrangeas are heavily budded and it looks like Penny Mac (
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac') will be the first to bloom.

Macleaya cordata (Plume Poppy)

In the backyard you have to part the foliage to see the flowers on
Rhodea japonica (Sacred Lily) and after doing so you realize it may not be worth the effort.

However, the star of my garden in May requires no such effort to notice. The Confederate or Star Jasmine (
Trachelospermum jasminoides) is not only nice to look at, but its aroma permeates the garden entering any open window, perfuming the whole house. My neighbors should thank me.

If you would like to see what is starring in other people's garden this month, visit
Carol at May Dream Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day,
an on-line institution.