March 21, 2010


For this month's Gardening Gone Wild's Picture This Photo Contest the theme is Awakening. Although spring slept in this year, its now out of bed and the coffee is on. The picture I chose is a Magnolia denudata (Yulan Magnolia) taken Friday at the Norfolk Botanical Garden.

Magnolia denudata 9

The two almost-rans are below. The first is Camellia japonica 'Lily Pons', again taken at NBG, and the second is Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Gem' from my back yard.

Camellia japonica 'Lily Pons' 4

Awakening Camellia


  1. Just beautiful! I think Nuccio's Gem is perhaps the most beautiful of the camellias!

  2. The camellias have put on a grand show this year.

  3. Spring may be out of bed, but she might change her mind and get it again, coffee and all, as that magnolia duvet looks ever so inviting :-)
    Will the golden stamens lead to gold?

  4. three very beautiful photos! spring is still sleeping here in western NY, although we've had some unseasonably fabulous weather. we've got snowdrops and a few crocuses thus far...but the promise of so much more to come!

  5. just gorgeous these photos! Good luck!

  6. Les, beautiful photos! Wonderfully beautiful...Is this a fragrant flower? Good luck in the contest...gail

  7. All that white makes me yearn for a wedding! Beautiful shots.........

  8. The purity and freshness of white is perfect for the theme, Les, and the photos are all superb. Good luck in the contest and happy springtime to you. It might snow here today, then back to the 70s. What a winter!

  9. All nice Les. I know how hard it is to decide. My policy is always go with your gut, even if it's not technically your best shot. All three of these work for me, so it must have been particularly hard. (BTW: Thanks for the kind words.)

  10. I don't grow magnolias or camellias but I can sure admire them from afar. All of the photos are gorgeous. I really love those stamens and their shadow in the second photo!

  11. Great photography! Georgia O'Keefe would be proud.

  12. Les, stunning photos!! as always.

  13. As usual, amazing photographs!!! Tell us your strategies.

  14. Spring is in a snowy coma in Alaska. Glad to hear she is awake in other parts of the country though. Lovely shot of the magnolia.

    Christine in Alaska

  15. I would have chosen Camellia japonica 'Lily Pons', but then what does a Zone 4 gardener know about Magnolias and Camellias? Nothing. All three photos are winners.


  16. Wow, those are just gorgeous. Good luck Les!

  17. Lovely shots, Les, all of them. Your entry is beautiful, but that second shot with the shadow of the stamens is quite arresting.

  18. It sure looks like it is awakening doesn't it? Awesome. My star magnolia just opened yesterday and I am in heaven due to the lovely scent. Those magnolias look pretty great this year.

  19. Utterly sensual and lovely! The folds of petals with light and shadow... yummy! Good Luck!! ;>)

  20. 'Nuccio's Gem' looks an awful lot like 'Sea Foam' in that close up - I have 'Nuccio's Pearl', which is a formal white/pink japonica - I think the Nuccio varieties are always interesting.

    Beautiful images!
