February 18, 2010

Déjà Vu X 2

Regular viewers of this blog will have seen these two photos before. The first photo is my entry for this month's Picture This Photo Contest sponsored by Gardening Gone Wild. The theme is Winter Light, and this is a shot I took the day after Christmas near my parents house on the Eastern Shore. By this point we had several weeks of torrential rain; when it wasn't raining, it was too cold outside to be comfortable. So this day with sunny skies and temperatures above 50 was most welcome. There was a light fog that burned off quickly in the morning, but not before helping the rising winter sun cast a nice orange glow on the water and land. The rest of the pictures taken that morning are here.

Spartina Sunrise 1

The next picture was also posted previously and is of Cow Parsnip (Heracleum lanatum). I took the shot in Rocky Mountain National Park this summer. This fall I was contacted by Annie's Annuals in Richmond, California where they wanted to use my picture. I was most flattered and said yes. Prompted by a recent Garden Rant post about Annie's, I looked for my photo on their site, and there it was right next to a closer shot taken by Blogdom's own Chuck B. of My Back 40 (Feet).

Heracleum lanatum - Cow parsnip 1

OK, I will not be blowing any more horns or excessively linking posts tonight.


  1. The rosy misty light in the first picture is wonderful. That's a really nice photo.

  2. Just moved to the Tidewater area, Seaford VA in Yorktown. Nice blog, great pictures!

  3. Nice choice Les. Congrats on the Cowslip Parsley photo with Annie's Annuals. I do like your photo for the contest...good luck.

  4. Well, I try not to look at all the other photos for the GGW contests until I've picked my own. Your's just hit me over the head this time. What a wonderful image. Hard to imagine better...

  5. All the photos in that series are incredible. I'd love to have a number of them on my wall to look at every day!

  6. I love the first photo, it brings me serenity and peace. Wonderful winter light!

  7. If your Winter Light submission does not win I will be most surprised. What a great shot.

  8. Sweet Bay,
    When ever I see fog, I am out the door, camera in hand. Thank you!

    Welcome to Hampton Roads!

    Thank you!

    I look anyway, but what I see does not change my choice. I think mine was one of 2 or 3 without snow.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    The setting always brings me the same feelings.

    Thanks for you kind comment.


  9. Your winter light photo is absolutely stunning. The lighting, the atmosphere, and the composition - especially - are superior.

  10. I saw your link on GGW and just wanted to stop by to tell you how much I like your contest photo. I'll be back to check out your other stuff when I have more time. Nice shots.

  11. Well, kudos. I kep meaning to get cow parsnip. Do you get any for free since they use your photo? Do you want to send it to me and I'll send you lint from my dryer?

  12. Jocelyn,
    Thanks for your adjectives!

    Thanks for coming by, you are welcome to return.

    I forgot to put my usual disclaimer in the post, but no, I did not get anything from them, not sure it would grow here. For now you will have to keep your lint, besides we have plenty of our own.

  13. Les, Your entry into the Winter Light photo contest is beautiful...Good luck in the contest!! How sweet to have your photo of Cow Parsnip chosen and what a great plant if you can grow it! gail

  14. That top photo of the grasses is simply gorgeous. I don't get here as often as I should do because there aren't enough hours in the day, but I wanted to say how much I like your photos and wish you best of luck in the GGW contest.

  15. Hey Les, your entry is beautiful...the pinkish mist adds such intrigue--lovely;-)

  16. That first shot is unreal. I can't even see the horizon. Awesome. Congrats on your photo being used on a site. It is very good shot too.

  17. Helen,
    Thank you!

    I will satisfy myself that I saw it in the wild and not worry about growing it.

    Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments.

    Thank you, that mist was very special and except for the occasional duck or goose, it was quite quit.

    I LOVE being on or near the water when it is the same color as the sky and you have no sense of where one starts and the other ends.


  18. Congrats Les! You toot your horn all you desire. I like the sound of tooting horns in blogs. Makes blogging so wonderful when we can share our success :-) Good Luck!

  19. Oh, that is such a beautiful glow. I'm off to see the rest of the shots you from that day.

  20. The first shot is stunning and definitely worth seeing multiple times. I love foggy photos. It looks like a watercolor. I hope you win! Fun to see some greenery in winter.

  21. Les, I saw your photo on GGW this morning - great job! I love that photo. You are a fantastic photographer.

  22. Gail,
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Have fun and thanks for stopping by.

    Obviously it was one of my favorites too.

    Thanks. The first blog I checked last night was GGW. I am just glad to be mentioned.


  23. Came in from Garderning Gone wild to say congratulations. I think this photo would have been my winner.

  24. Good luck with your entry Les! It is stunning!! Your Cow Parsnip is pretty amazing too. I will have to check out Annie's A. site to see it again. ;>)

  25. Very fun - and two worthy images! Recently I laughed - when a 'weed of the month' webguy in Florida contacted me for permission to use an image of Florida betony (rattlesnake weed) that I had posted on my blog. I laughed because OF COURSE I was recognized for a weed!!!!

  26. Sue,
    Thanks for the high praise.

    Thank you!

    I guess now you can tell people that you are famous for your weed.

