February 1, 2010

... and the Winner Is

Thanks to all of you who left a comment on my anniversary post. I had over 30 entries, most from the blog, but also a few who contacted me via email. Last night (during a commercial of the Matrix Marathon on AMC) my son randomly pulled Pam's name of Digging in Austin TX, out of the hat. I am sorry I couldn't give each of you something, other than a big "Thank You".



  1. Such a clever way to announce a winner!! Congrats to Pam! ;>)

  2. Congrats to Pam. She is sure lucky to get such lovely cards.

  3. Yippee! I feel lucky. My thanks to you for the contest, your wife for making the cards, and your son for pulling the right name out of the hat. ;-) Thanks, Les.

  4. Congrats to Pam and to you on your blogaversary. gail

  5. That is very nice of you. Pam is lucky! Keep on bloggin, Les.

  6. Congrats to Pam for being a winner and congrats to you on your anniversary!

    The pics of your snow covered blooms are wonderful. I hope the pretties fair well under thier blanekts of white. I would be in the line with the wine buyers :-)

  7. No hard feelings. Congrats to Pam.
