June 14, 2008

Maybe My Fifteen Minutes Are Already Over

I posted yesterday about my television debut as "Garden Expert" for WTKR. Well apparently the links I posted are moving targets, and every time you click on them you will get taken to a different story. So I removed the post, but if I can find a stable link, maybe I will try again.

Sorry for the confusion. Please enjoy the Hypericum 'Sunbust' as an apology.


  1. Hiya Les,

    Found you via Chuck's page and I am glad I did! What a wonderfully considered and entertaining weblog. I enjoyed my daytrip through Chippoke park, and want to sit on that beach in total seclusion....

    The photo's particularly those of the tree clumps, are soothing. And that H. "Sunburst" is a lovely variety, so buttery, like the other Hypericums, but this nice fluffy bit on top makes it interesting. Pity you can't give me a cutting (UK) as I know they grow fast.

    The concrete edging to your path fits in beautifully and defines that area. We are fiddling around with bits of wood, and it looks a mess. Paths are always a bit of a problem if you garden on a budget. Hard landscaping is expensive.

    I had a lovely browse and will come back to read the rest.

  2. Joco,
    Thanks for stopping by. The picture does not show it, but the foliage of 'Sunburst' is a very nice blue color that works well with the yellow flower. It is perhaps the bluest foliage of all the Hypericums.
