April 7, 2008

Who Are These People?

Garden centers need good weather on the weekends, which is when most of our customers come in. Saturday morning in was in the low 70's, cloudy and rain began after lunch when the temperature began to plummet. Sunday it never got out of the low 50's and a pitiful, but steady cold rain fell nearly all day. In spite of this weather, we were so busy with people spending all sorts of money. There must be some pent up urge for people to buy L&G products -- it certainly doesn't jive with the economic doom and gloom in the media, maybe they are pre-spending their tax rebates. Regardless, I am thankful for the business. If the weather ever cooperates on a weekend, we will probably get our butts kicked.


  1. How funny...maybe it's cabin fever. Used to work at a restaurant during college, and I would ask the same thing when whenever we got slammed on rainy days.

  2. Shoot, I've been to three nurseries on the last few days just because I'm anxious. I've never been this early. Let's go! But I don't get the people buying stuff they'll have to cover for the next month--snow is forecasted this week.

  3. Plantgurus - cabin fever or whatever it is called, I'll take the business.
    Benjamin - please keep your snow to yourselves
